How to Implement FTP Upload by C++ and POCO
Less than 1 minuteFTPpocoC/C++
POCO is a lightweight and flexible network library for C++ users.
You can refer to the POCO library at its homepage: or its github project page: .
You can simply git clone from the POCO repository, and build it follows its official mannual.
For me, I built it simply with the CMake-GUI tool on Windows, with all default settings.
How to Upload
Includes Stuffs
Most of the FTP related APIs are in the Poco/Net/FTPClientSession.h
header file. The Exception Processing tools are used all the time, so that we include it too. When you need to do the uploading to FTP server, Poco/StreamCopier.h
is must be included.
#include "Poco/Net/FTPClientSession.h"
#include "Poco/Net/NetException.h"
#include "Poco/StreamCopier.h"
The StreamCopier need the std streams, so we include them too.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
Create an Object
auto* ftp = new Poco::Net::FTPClientSession("", 21, "username", "password");
Do Upload.
std::ostream &ftpOStream = ftp->beginUpload("target_file_name.png");
std::ifstream localIFStream("/path/to/local_file.png", std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
auto numBytes = Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(localIFStream, ftpOStream);
catch( Poco::Net::FTPException& e)